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SOSi Continues to Enhance Coalition Information Sharing Under U.S. Air Force Mission Partner Environment Contract

By June 11, 2021June 12th, 2021No Comments

SOS International LLC (SOSi) announced today it was awarded a three-year, $43 million task order contract to modernize and expand the coalition information sharing capabilities of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) under its Mission Partner Environment (MPE) contract with the Secretary of the Air Force Administrative Assistant Mission Partner Capabilities Office. MPE is a collection of systems and networks used by the U.S. Military Services and Combatant Commands to enhance command and control capabilities and facilitate mission critical information sharing between the U.S. and its allies globally supporting joint and coalition military operations.

“There are more than two dozen nations in the Pacific theater that have a daily requirement to share sensitive command and control data with U.S. warfighters,” said Josh Zloba, SOSi’s Vice President for IT Solutions. “MPE is delivering reliable services across the largest military theater in the world while ensuring data synchronization with sensors, battle networks, and information sharing systems fielded by each of the services.”

The new task order seamlessly aligns with SOSi’s ongoing MPE engineering and services contract that supports Joint Information Environment Command and Control requirements under the MPE program offices of USINDOPACOM, Pacific Air Forces, United States Army Pacific, Marine Forces Pacific, Pacific Fleet, and Special Operations Command Pacific.

“The scope of the MPE program is rapidly expanding to incorporate operation, maintenance, sustainment, and security of DoD’s largest legacy coalition information sharing networks,” said Julian Setian, SOSi’s President and CEO. “Through our work on the MPE, we’ve established SOSi as a leading architect of secure, interoperable, and highly adaptable data and network-enabled capabilities that enable the U.S. government to respond to global combat and humanitarian operations quickly and effectively.”

Founded in 1989, SOSi is the largest private, family-owned and operated technology and services integrator in the aerospace, defense, and government services industry. Its global portfolio includes cybersecurity, software development, intelligence analysis, and military logistics. For more information, visit and connect with SOSi on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Jamie Graybeal
Vice President for Public Affairs and Government Relations