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SOSi Awarded Contract to Support U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Iraq

By September 10, 2018October 7th, 2020No Comments

RESTON, Va. (September 10, 2018) – SOS International LLC (SOSi) announced today its award of a $5 million base plus four-year contract by the U.S. Army to provide human resources, accounting, and technical security assistance services to the Office of Security Cooperation at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

U.S. security assistance supports the development of a modern, accountable, fiscally sustainable, and professional Iraqi military capable of defending Iraq and its borders. U.S. security assistance programs also promote civilian oversight of the military, adherence to the rule of law, and the respect for human rights, while simultaneously increasing the Iraqi military’s capability to respond to threats and conduct counter-terrorism operations. The U.S. Embassy Baghdad maintains the Office of Security Cooperation to further these goals and facilitate Iraq’s role as a responsible security partner, contributing to the peace and security of the region.

“SOSi has been supporting U.S. liberalization and stabilization efforts in Iraq since 2003,” said Frank Helmick, SOSi Senior Vice President of Mission Solutions Group. “We look forward to our continued relationship with the Office of Security Cooperation and State Department.”