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SOSi Awarded Contract by U.S. Army to Provide Public Affairs Support for U.S. Forces Afghanistan

By July 19, 2017No Comments

EV3 Platform Provides Real-Time Data Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities Targeted to Support the Mission

RESTON, Va. (July 19, 2017) – SOS International LLC (SOSi) announced today its award of a 5-year, $9 million contract by the U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff Communications, Public Affairs Operations Support Services (DCOS COMM) in support of U.S. Forces Afghanistan. SOSi personnel will provide support to the Public Affairs Office at Resolute Support (RS) Headquarters designed to help inform local, regional and international media and counter misinformation in support of the Afghan population, the Government of Afghanistan and the international community.

SOSi has been providing public affairs support for DCOS COMM and the Public Affairs Office (PAO) at RS Headquarters since 2009, including developing and tailoring strategic communication, public affairs and media monitoring and analysis solutions in support of the mission.

“SOSi offers a unique mix of qualified personnel with experience working in the region, along with highly technical capabilities tailored specifically to the needs of the U.S. Army,” said Julian Setian, SOSi President & CEO. “We are proud to support the important mission of DCOS COMM and the PAO at Resolute Support Headquarters and look forward to continuing to work together.”

SOSi’s unique EV3 platform is the only multilingual media monitoring and analysis tool on the market today capable of conducting narrative extraction and analysis, custom deep learning models for text classification, quote extraction, entity disambiguation, and predictive analytics, all on a desktop and on a mobile device. The tool helps boosts situational awareness and information environment analysis and assessment; and will enable more effective media engagement in support of the mission.

Launched in 2016, by EXOVERA, a SOSi-subsidiary company, EV3 is a sophisticated, cloud-based analysis engine that can be customized to address each client’s unique operational objectives. EV3 uses advanced tools to mine unstructured data, enriching its powerful discovery engine and delivering information through intuitive data visualization tools that make patterns and events easy to identify.

“Exovera offers innovative tools to facilitate the government’s ability to monitor and analyze traditional and social media trends,” said Exovera President Jeremy Davis. “EV3 combines advanced data analysis, visualization tools and multilingual human analysis to provide clients with a unique perspective on social, cultural and political attitudes in target locations across the globe.”

SOSi is the largest family-owned and operated business in the defense and government services industry. It has been providing a wide range of technical, mission and language support services to the defense and intelligence communities for more than 25 years.