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Amid market resilience, SOSi’s CEO highlights two overhangs to consider

By November 12, 2020No Comments

Washington Technology – In conversations with federal contracting industry executives, I increasingly hear workforce culture as an item of concern from the coronavirus pandemic.

That worry centers around the longer-term effects of colleagues being geographically dispersed due to social distancing guidelines even if they are virtually connected. Work and relationships simply are done differently if everyone is remote.

Add SOS International CEO Julian Setian into the mix of those who believe that not all of the changes since March are for the better, though necessary until COVID-19 starts to be rolled back.

“Right now we have about 30 percent of our staff voluntarily coming in and heavily weighted toward the senior executive team,” Setian told me last month. “We’re trying really hard to create a robust virtual community, employee engagement activities, things that reinforce culture and cohesion in the face of being totally disconnected.

“The first couple of months felt very cozy and fun, almost like were at summer camp. When you’re six months in, it starts to grind people down on an individual basis and it definitely has a negative impact on organizational performance, no question in my mind.”

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