U.S. Air Force, MPE-ES

MPE-ES – Mission Partner Environment (MPE) Network Engineering Services
U.S. Air Force

Vykin Contract Number: HC1047-18-D-0002

Provide on-site MPE network engineering capability support for a wide range of program management, technical, research, development, procurement and operations/maintenance services to support the operational and strategic use of MPE capabilities. These objectives include:

  • Providing operational users support and training of MPE capabilities
  • Supporting integration and testing events and efforts from customer sites as required by SAF-AA CDM MPCO C2
  • Assisting MPE technical teams on deployment of MPE capabilities at mission partner locations
  • Assisting customers with Information Management and facilitation of data inputs in a standardized fashion on MPE capabilities
  • Assisting SAF-AA CDM MPCO C2 in obtaining customer feedback and input on MPE capabilities.

Contract Contacts

Program Manager:

Steve Robles



Contract Manager:

Clayton Wan
