Contract Description
The U-A A&AS V contract shall provide technical and analytical services to support and improve policy development, decision making, management, administration, and system operations within the primary users’ areas of responsibility. A&AS support shall fall into one of the following categories: 1) Management, Operational, and Professional Services; 2) Studies, Analyses, and Evaluations; 3) Engineering and Technical Services; and 4) Administrative Support. Outputs shall take the form of information, advice, alternatives, analyses, evaluations, recommendations, training, and day-to-day personnel support needed to complement the Government’s technical expertise.
United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE)
This contract is available for use by:
The authorized primary using activities include, but are not limited to, Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe- Air Forces Africa (HQ USAFE-AFAFRICA (U-A)), U-A bases, U-A geographically separated units, U.S. European Command (EUCOM), US Africa Command (AFRICOM), U.S. Army in Europe (USAREUR), and tenant activities located on any USAFE base or USAREUR post.
Contract Types Supported
Fixed Price (all types), Cost Reimbursement (all types), Labor Hour, Time, Materials, and Hybrids
Program Ceiling
$995 Million
Ordering Period
Mar 15, 2023 to Mar 14, 2028