The U.S. federal law enforcement community relies on SOSi’s trained, certified, and highly qualified interpreters, translators, and analysts to support active drug interdiction cases and enforce U.S. controlled substance laws. Our experts provide simultaneous, consecutive, sight translation, transcription/translation support during live wire intercepts, depositions, interviews, and witness testimony for Grand Jury and trial preparations in over 200 languages. We work closely with case agents and district attorney offices, bridging the language gap, and assisting in building court-approved cases for subsequent potential prosecution.
Supporting Counternarcotic Operations for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
Analyzing and interpreting electronic intercepts in support of federal law enforcement counternarcotics operations
Our three decades of support to Title III programs have given us unique insights on sourcing, identifying, vetting, and ultimately selecting the most qualified linguist candidates to support law enforcement operations. Having the right interpreters is critical, as investigators require accurate and complete translations provided in approved law enforcement formats.
SOSi has completed thousands of translation and transcription funded task orders for the federal law enforcement community, often with minimal lead time and rigid time constraints. To meet surge requirements, we have established an effective process that pairs certified interpreters and translators with the latest scalable enterprise-grade applicable, customizable, and adaptable neural machine translation and automated speech recognition solutions. The approach has served as a valuable force multiplier that is improving program performance and reliability.