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SOSi’s Frank Helmick Honored as Distinguished Member of the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment

By July 22, 2021No Comments

SOSi’s Senior Vice President for Mission Solutions and Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Frank Helmick has been inducted as a distinguished member of the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment. Helmick and other Distinguished and Honorary inductees were recognized in a formal ceremony at Ft. Benning, Georgia, for their contributions to the modern-day Regiment and preserving the Regiment’s history and traditions. The 75th Ranger Regiment is a unique Special Operations Force comprised of specially selected and well-trained Soldiers constantly tested for the privilege of serving in the Regiment.

“The 75th Ranger Regiment represents the U.S. Army’s elite,” said Helmick. “It’s like the equivalent of the Army’s all-star team.”

From November 1991 through February 1994, Helmick served as the 75th Ranger Regiment’s Chief of Exercises, Regimental S-3, and Regimental Executive Officer. While serving in the Regiment, Helmick coordinated several high-profile exercises in the Continental United States, Europe, Korea, and South America.

“Rangers are trained to either lead their fellow Rangers and units to success – there is no other option,” said Helmick. “This philosophy changed my whole outlook on life and shaped how I approached my career in the military and how I do business in the private sector.”

Lieutenant General Helmick’s time in the 75th Ranger Regiment was just one of several notable highlights across his illustrious 36-year military career. While in the military, Helmick was the Commanding General of American’s only Airborne Corps (the XVIII Airborne Corps) and the nation’s largest military installation, Fort Bragg. As the Corps Commander, he served as the Deputy Commanding General for Operations with United States Forces–Iraq. Additionally, he commanded the Multi-National Security Transition Command–Iraq and the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO) Training Mission–Iraq and held numerous staff assignments on the Joint and Office of the Secretary of Defense Staff, including Senior Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense. Upon his retirement from the military in 2012, Helmick joined SOSi.

“As a Ranger, you learn how to accomplish any mission you are given, even if you’re the last guy standing because you know what is at stake and who is counting on you,” said Helmick. “I guess it’s not surprising that I chose to continue supporting the mission at SOSi because our company’s ‘Challenge Accepted’ mantra resonates strongly with me.”

SOSi congratulates Frank Helmick and all this year’s 75th Ranger Regiment Distinguished and Honorary Member inductees for serving and supporting the Regiment with excellence and distinction.